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The first step is to create a base topographic grid to use for modelling. In this example, we’re starting off with a set of xyz points that came from LIDAR survey.Â
To load the LIDAR data, simply drag and drop the file into the 3D window.
Muk3D can import many different file types. Some are imported through drag and drop, whilst others need to be imported using tools in the Data Import menu. Recognised file types will be automatically loaded when dropped, otherwise nothing will happen and another means of importing the file will need to be used.

When an XYZ file is imported, a point cloud is generated in the 3D window.
The basics of navigation in the 3D window with the mouse are:
Some basic key commands are:
Before we create a grid, we’re going to create a triangulated surface from the point data. To do this, we’re going to run the command that will generate a triangulated surface from the point cloud.
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