Ensure that the Source data is set to the LIDAR data layer. Hit OK, and a new layer will be created containing the triangulated surface.

Save the new surface by selecting the layer in the Scene Manager and running File >> Save current layer.
This command will save whichever layer is selected in the Scene Manager.
When the layer is saved, you’ll notice that by default it is saved into the directory selected as the Working Directory in the Project Explorer. (The working directory is highlighted in red and has "(Working)" next to it).
Also, when a layer is saved for the first time (i.e., it was created and not loaded from disk), the file type will default to the Muk3D file extensions. Unless you have a specific need to save as another file type, it’s always recommended that you use the default Muk3D extension.

In Muk3D, the Save commands are really “Save as”. The option will always be given to rename the file prior to saving it, and the file will never be automatically overwritten unless you explicitly tell Muk3D to do so.
Now that we’ve created the surface, the LIDAR data is no longer required. We could hide it (by selecting the visibility check box in the Scene Manager) but this will still mean that the data is loaded into memory. Instead, once we’re done with a layer it should be unloaded. This can be done by selecting it and running the command View >> Unload current layer.
Alternatively, you can right click on the layer and select Unload this from the popup menu.Since this particular terrain is quite flat, the vertical scale can be exaggerated to allow the surface to be seen better. On the toolbars, there is a text box/dropdown labelled Zx. This is the Z exaggeration control. Either select a vertical scale from the list, or type your preferred vertical scale in (if, for example, you prefer a vertical exaggeration of 3.5).