Come & learn the state-of-the-art modelling techniques to take your tailings planning to the next level. Discover the capabilities of the Muk3D Simulation Add-On in this brand-new course taking place in London on the 15th & 16th of June 2023.
Over two days, you'll learn the basics of scripting and Muk3D Simulation Add-On skills to turn your Muk3D deposition runs and sequencing into full-fledged dynamic simulations.
This course is divided into two modules that you can individually select. Find out more about the outline of each module and discover which module(s) might be beneficial to you.
You can find all information about the training below. If you have any questions, please send us an email
Who is it suitable for?
This course is for:
Existing users of Muk3D who want to sharpen their modelling skills.
Engineers and designers who want to develop more advanced tailings planning techniques.
This course is designed for intermediate to advance Muk3D users. While you'll be exposed to Python programming language and Goldsim Simulation Software simulation software over the course of the 2 days, we don't expect you to know these tools and we'll guide through it step by step.
You'd like to participate but you feel like you need to build up or freshen up your Muk3D skills first ? You want to be more proficient at Goldsim ? Contact us by email ( so you can book a training online (or in-person if you're based in the UK).
The training will be facilitated by Simon Ogude-Chambert and supported by Miguel Palape.
Simon Ogude-Chambert
Simon is the Muk3D Regional Manager for Africa / Europe regions. He is a hydraulics engineer by training with almost 20 yrs of experience in water resources and mine water & waste management. He has more than 15yrs of experience with developing Goldsim simulation models across Africa & Europe.
Miguel Palape
Miguel is the Muk3D Regional Manager for Latin America region. He is a geotechnical engineer by training with almost 20 years of experience working as a geotechnical and mine waste disposal engineer, developing projects in various countries such as Chile, Peru, Brasil, South Africa, and Australia. He has more than 10 yrs of experience working with Muk3D.
Number of Days attending | Cost |
1 day | $ 690 |
2 days | $ 1090 |
A 10% discount will be offered if you book for 2 or more attendees from your organisation (excluding students). Students with a valid student ID will receive a 30% discount. All prices are in US dollars ($).
Note that should your organization elect to purchase a new Muk3D Tailings+ (perpetual license) within 3 months of the training, we'll apply the cost of your training (up to 2 people) as credit towards the purchase of the license.
Software downloads together with evaluation licenses will be provided:
Muk3D Tailings+ with Muk3D Simulation Add-On (valid for 15 days following the end of the course)
Users must have their own laptop with Muk3D and Goldsim installed. Training licenses will be provided.
Lunch and refreshments will be provided. Please advise of any dietary or allergy concerns at the time of registration.
Book your spot
To book your spot, register now using the link below. We'll send you an invoice and once payment is received, your booking will be confirmed.
Course Outline
The training course is split into one-day modules with lunch and refreshment breaks. You can elect to only participate in one of the days. The following topics will be covered.

Day 1: Automate your Muk3D workflows with scripting
This module is an introduction to macros and scripting with Python in Muk3D. Python is a high-level language that allows users to customise and automate aspects of Muk3D to simplify repetitive design tasks and automate workflows.
This course assumes that users have a good understanding of the design tools in Muk3D, either from participating in Muk3D training courses, or from practical experience with Muk3D.
There is no expectation that the participants know Python, but having a basic understanding of programming concepts, or previous experience with scripting/programming (e.g. VBA macros etc) will be an advantage.
The course will cover the following topics:
Importing and manipulation of text files.
Importing large/tiled datasets.
Creating structures procedurally.
Creating simple user interfaces and interacting with data in the 3D window.
Automation of a simple tailings plan.
Post-processing of tailings plan runs
Additional Requirements: Participants for this course are required to have an appropriate text editor installed on their computer. Windows Notepad is not acceptable. We recommend using Notepad++.
Day 2: Build risk models for your tailings planning with Muk3D Simulation
This module will aim at giving participants an understanding of how Muk3D Simulation Add-On can develop tailings planning simulations models. You will learn how to:
Run deterministic simulations from Excel: Connect an existing mass balance spreadsheet model to Muk3D to run your tailings planning for different planning frequency
Run stochastic simulations from Goldsim : Use the power of Goldsim in representing uncertainty using distributions to dynamically simulate tailings deposition and sequencing with uncertainty. Learn how to use to run sensitivity analysis for your planning. For more information on this feature, watch the video in the link below.
This course assumes that users know how to build Python scripts for Muk3D, either from participating in the Day 1 training course, or through previous use of Muk3D. There is no expectation that the participants know Goldsim.
The course will cover the following topics:
Connecting an Excel mass balance to Muk3D
Run simulations of your tailings planning from Excel
Basics of Goldsim through the development of a TSF water & mass balance model
Importing/Exporting of different type of variables to/from Goldsim
Connecting your Muk3D simulation to your Goldsim model
Run stochastic simulations of your tailings planning
Developing basic user interface in Goldsim
For more information on the capabilities of Muk3D Simulation Add-On with Goldsim, look at this recent post on Tailings Planning with Uncertainty.