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Troubleshoot - Verifying Network License Connectivity

To verify network license connectivity, access CodeMeter WebAdmin on the server through your web browser using the server's IP address. If you encounter errors, consult your IT department for assistance; if you see the landing page, your computer has access to the network server.

If you're having trouble connecting to a network license, the first thing to do is connect that the license server is running and reachable from your computer.  This can be done by connecting to CodeMeter WebAdmin on the server and verifying that its operational. (You'll need the server name or IP address to do this).

Open your web browser and type in the following address (use the appropriate IP address):

This will bring up the CodeMeter WebAdmin page on the server.

If you get any error messages it can be because you don't have network connectivity to the server.  Please consult with your IT department to resolve this issue.


If you see this landing page, then your computer has access to the network server.


Generating a CodeMeter license request
Removing an evaluation license
Find out Connected Users on a Network License
Setting up network license server
Removing CodeMeter Licenses from a Server
Troubleshoot - Generating CodeMeter diagnostics on a network license server
Setting up End-User to Access Network License
Requesting a Temporary Muk3D License
Troubleshoot - Error with License Shutting down
Installing a Network License Update
How to set license timeout on a network server
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