Software Maintenance & Support
With the purchase a perpetual license of Muk3D, you will receive one year of software maintenance and support. Muk3D|Formation and leased licenses include Software Maintenance & Support for the duration of the subscription/lease.
This entitles you to:
Basic technical support
Software users get basic technical support via email, and if necessary via screen sharing tools if required. This covers software installation, licensing, basic software usage. While we offer unlimited technical support, if a user continually logs help requests for items that would be covered by our standard training courses, we may recommend a training course be taken as the solution.
Licensing support
In the event that there are technical issues with a network license server or USB license key, we will provide temporary licenses to users while the issues are being resolved. These licenses can be provided between the hours of 8:00 am and 5:00 pm (MST/MDT).
Software updates
Free software updates for the duration of the Software Maintenance & Support period.
Muk3D|Simulation technical support
For users of Muk3D Simulation, technical support includes more detailed assistance with the development of scripts and developing workflows to aid in the integration of Muk3D with Excel and GoldSim.
If you wish to continue to have access to new versions and technical support, Software Maintenance and Support can be extended each year with payment of an annual fee. To ensure uninterrupted support, Software Maintenance & Support fees are due on the anniversary date of your Muk3D purchase.
If you choose to skip a year and then decide to re-establish Software Maintenance & Support, you would be required to pay the Software Maintenance & Support fees dating back to either the end of the former Software Maintenance & Support period, or the 1-year anniversary date of your Muk3D purchase.
If you let Software Maintenance & Support lapse and decide not to continue with it, users will be entitled to use Muk3D versions released prior to the date the Software Maintenance & Support period lapses.
For users without current Support & Maintenance, any issues relating to the reissue or replacement of network licenses or USB keys will be charged a fee to cover our time and costs associated with this task.